Super October

Copper Joint

Selling Price: USD 6.3 / only
Minimum Order Quantity:  10000 only
Shipment Delivery Time:  3-4 working days
Shipment Port:  Zhejiang v
Currency Options:  RMB, U.S. dollar
Language Support:   English, Chinese
Certification:  Inquire
Production Capacity: High
Primary Business:  Manufacturer
Packaging:  standard
Preferred Payment Method:
Copper Joint Details

It is a key industry, because everyone dreams of having an ideal and beautiful house. Well, we have the best nut manufacturers and manufacturers lined up here and will never fail to meet your requirements. In addition, our network also helps connect different businesses so that they can conduct international trade. If you take a closer look at our products, you will notice that we have ensured that all products in the industry are covered. In addition, you can also buy nuts from Xinchang Chengguan Bingli Machinery Plant in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, because they produce "giants" every year. However, they only accept a minimum order of 1000+, the price range you will experience is 6.3+ each. [B2B], [,], [T/T, D/P] In addition, you can also pay for free in any of the following currencies. Chinese yuan, U.S. dollars. [3-4]

About Xinchang Chengguan Binli Machinery Factory
Business Type: Manufacturer
Country / Region: Zhejiang, China
Main Products: Nut...
Total Annual Revenue: Not Provided
Year of Establishment: Not Provided
Business Nature



Ningbo, China

Main Products


About Xinchang Chengguan Binli Machinery Factory

I am from China's Binli machinery factory, main mechanical parts, made nuts and joints

Send Your Inquiry Direct To This Supplier

To: Copper Joint
From China 1st Year
Vip Membership
Business Type:
Not Available
Not Available
Guanhong Road, Qixing Street, Xinchang , Zhejiang , Ningbo , China

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