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Leather Handbags , Wallets ,backpacks, Etc

Selling Price: USD variable / Printheads
Minimum Order Quantity:  50/style & color Printheads
Shipment Delivery Time:  90days
Shipment Port:  India
Currency Options:  INR,USD
Language Support:   English, Hindi
Certification:  Inquire
Production Capacity: 100 Printheads
Primary Business:  Exporter
Packaging:  Standard
Preferred Payment Method:
Leather Handbags , Wallets ,backpacks, Etc Details

Our leather handbag is famous for excellence in worldwide market. We are presenting multinational market with economical prices for leather handbag and backpacks products made in india. Our business, is a manufacturer known for providing leather bags & handbags and many other india backpacks products. Our company is a well-known corporation in india that is exporting in large scale market.

About Greenapple Leather Design
Business Type: Exporter
Country / Region: West Bengal, India
Main Products: Leather Goods( Handbags, Wallets, Backpacks, Briefcase...
Total Annual Revenue: Not Provided
Year of Establishment: Not Provided
Leather Handbags , Wallets ,backpacks, Etc Features

Pure Leather


Business Nature



Kolkata, India

Main Products

Leather Goods( Handbags, Wallets, Backpacks, Briefcase...


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Review and Rating

Total Reviews: 1
Andres Crespo

I'm truly impressed by the attention to detail in the leather handbags; it's evident that the suppliers prioritize creating elegant and durable accessories.

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