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Dear Sir, This is ASM Abdul Maleque from Alkad Laboartories, Bangladesh, a growing Pharmaceutical industry. We have an enquiry about the following finished product under our Trade label;Finished product Specification is as follows;Products Brand nameChemical descriptionWeight per kg.XINCLYTEZinc sulphate monohydrate BP0.0025kg(Electrolyte Premix)Potassium Chloride BP2.0900kgPoultry use onlySodium Citrate BP4.0500kgDextrose anhydrous BP18.8500kgTotal weight24.9925kgTare weight: 25.00kg/BagPlease provide us your competitive price, lead time, product specification, material safety data sheet, etc on early basis.Thank you!Best regardsASM Abdul MalequeM/S Alkad LaboratoriesAlamnagar 5402, Rangpur, BANGLADESHemail: *@********************ished Electrolyte